Not sick of birds, we hope. [Illustration: Biodiversity Heritage Library]
You did it! Another week down!
We’re putting up a post very much like this one every Friday afternoon, to celebrate the fact that the week is done. Even on Thanksgiving week! Down with working at all this week! Up with no work! If you’re working, you’re a saint!
We think of this series as something of a send-off for the week, giving you the option of a brief interlude for your Friday afternoon. But this week, we think of it as brief break from hanging with your family! We love our families but we love our brief breaks more!
We hope to provide a short mix of mostly silly, mostly food-related, mostly entertaining things to look at, listen to, and read, and we hope you’ll find it amusing, and maybe, sometimes, edifying and enlightening.
If you have feedback, or if you run across any interesting/oddball/totally crazy stories/podcasts/images/videos during the week that you think may be appropriate for this little collection of miscellany, email us! We can’t guarantee that we’ll use it, but we will 100% appreciate the effort.
What’s New on Serious Eats
You can, of course, browse all our content in reverse-chronological order. But here are just a few highlights appropriate for the day after T-Day:
- Daniel tried to make Stella’s impossible pecan pie (No, it’s not impossible, but, yes, we will not provide the recipe, so please don’t ask for it!)
- Sasha suggests you make turkey reubens with your leftovers. That is, if you didn’t feel like making his bang bang turkey, or some turkey ramen.
- And since we have your attention, here’s a fuller list of ideas for what to do with any Thanksgiving leftovers you’ve got lying around.
- We also unveiled our Italian-themed gift box, which we’re offering in partnership with Gustiamo, the purveyor of fine Italian imported foods. Everything in there is great, but the pasta is particularly fine!
- Finally, if all you want to do today is shop for stuff, check out the Fuligin Friday deals we’ve scoped out for you.
Our Favorite Comments of the Week
From the recipe for Lacy Brown Butter and Ricotta Cookies:
Every time I remember to make these, I’m mad at myself for not making them more. Easily the best “reward to effort” ratio for any cookie out there, even with the brown butter.
They do turn out slightly different with different brands of ricotta, flour, butter, etc. but they always taste amazing.
Also for anyone out there resisting the cookie scoop — don’t. I wish I’d given in earlier.
From our recipe for All-Belly Porchetta:
We made this last month and it was sooo good. I’m still daydreaming about how crispy the skin was. Next we’re going to try your deep-fried, sous vide recipe for Christmas, since I think that recipe lends itself better to feed a crowd. Can’t wait!
From a commenter (who we are frankly quite worried about) on Facebook, in response to our description of a recipe for Cornbread Dressing With Sausage and Sage:
Well, for one thing, I don’t like cornbread.
A Brief Book Break
When Cerberus, the great worm, noticed us,
he opened wide his mouths, showed us his fangs;
there was no part of him that did not twitch.My guide opened his hands to their full span,
plucked up some earth, and with his fists filled full
he hurled it straight into those famished jaws.Just as a dog that barks with greedy hunger
will then fall quiet when he gnaws his food,
intent and straining hard to cram it in,so were the filthy faces of the demon
Cerberus transformed—after he’d stunned
the spirits so, they wished that they were deaf.
From The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, translated by Allen Mandelbaum.
Food Numbers, News, and Hijinks
Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!
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